
Princethorpe College Admissions 2021 And Entrance Examinations Day

Children who want to come to Princethorpe College, the Foundation's senior school, sit an entrance examination, mainly at 11, and at other ages as space allows. A significant number also join us for Sixth Form at age 16.

We welcome children of all faiths and backgrounds, from our junior schools, Crackley Hall and Crescent School, and many other maintained and independent primary schools from around a radius of about thirty miles.

Competition for places is high, as are standards, but the school also looks for young people who will contribute to the wider life of the school.

Our Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney and her assistants, Miss Helen Morgan and Mrs Catherine Rogers, will be pleased to talk you through the admissions process; contact them at or call 01926 634201/262, 07930 601877 or 07951 075247.

Click here to download our 2021 Revised Admissions and Entrance Examinations Booklet (Years 7 to 10)

Click here to download the Princethorpe College Information Booklet for 2020-21.

Entrance Examinations Day

Entrance Examinations for all age groups (except Sixth Form) will now take place on Saturday 23 January 2021 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

All candidates must be registered before sitting the entrance examinations. Registrations, bursary and scholarship applications must be received by the deadline of Friday 4 December 2020 to allow us to process the registration and contact schools for references.

Click here to download a Registration Form, All-Rounder Scholarship FormArt Scholarship Application Form and a Music Scholarship Application Form.

Following receipt of the registration form any candidate with a learning need will have an assessment with a Special Educational Needs professional.

On The Day

Candidates are requested to report to the college for 9.30am and entry to the building will be from no earlier than 9.00am. Candidates should wear their current school uniform and should bring a pen, two pencils, eraser and ruler. Candidates for Years 9 and 10 (13+ and 14+) should bring a calculator and protractor and the relevant language dictionary.

Candidates sit papers in English and Maths and for those looking at Year 9 and 10 a language paper.  The papers vary in length from 45 minutes to 1 hour. All candidates also sit a 50 minute online assessment which includes Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning, appropriate to their age and year of entry. More information is available under the relevant age group information.

The online assessment is provided by Durham University’s Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM). The test is designed to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without the need for excessive preparation.

For more information on the online assessment please visit the CEM website at:  

(If you experience difficulties opening this link please try Internet Explorer.)

There are no practice papers available for the online assessment. CEM advises parents that children can best prepare for their online assessment by learning to work quietly on their own, completing homework set by their school, and by reading and making sure they understand all the words in any books they read. Children should also, wherever possible, be encouraged to try to solve problems by looking things up for themselves. Children should be familiar with using a keyboard and a mouse including the ability to click, drag and slide with a mouse.

The following practice papers may prove helpful:

Bond How to do 11+ Verbal Reasoning published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742292)

Bond How to do 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742285)

Bond How to do 11+ Maths published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742278)

They can be ordered from Waterstones, 1 Priorsgate, Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 4QG, Tel 01926 883804.

A copy of a past English paper is included in the prospectus pack

For more information visit the Entrance Examinations Day section on our website.

Please contact the Registrars if you have any queries or concerns.

After the Entrance Examinations are marked, the Admissions Panel sits to discuss applications. The Panel will take into consideration the Entrance Examinations results, references from feeder schools and, for those with learning support needs, the assessment by the Special Educational Needs professional, prior to the Entrance Examinations.

Those entering Years 8, 9 and 10 will also have their personal interviews considered.

Offers Made

Exam results will be posted, first class, on Thursday 11 February 2021. No information will be available beforehand.

For those offered a place confirmation of acceptance with £300 deposit is then required to secure the place by Thursday 4 March 2021. This deposit is refunded after the end of the final term which the pupil spends at Princethorpe.

Once you have confirmed your acceptance of a place and sent your £300 deposit you will receive an acknowledgement and a receipt.  Joining details will then be sent to you during the Easter holidays. These include details of Term Dates, Induction, the School Day, Medical Questionnaire, Uniform, Buses, Catering, Locker Keys, Stationery, Parents’ Evenings and the Parent Teacher Association.