Sixth Form Admissions

Sixth Form Admissions 2021

The Sixth Form at Princethorpe offers great choice, quality teaching in small classes, a vast array of sporting, co-curricular, leadership and service opportunities coupled with excellent pastoral care and guidance, tailored to the needs of today's young adults.

Sixth Formers at Princethorpe are fortunate to have a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, featuring a Dining Room, Lecture Theatre, Common Room and a Sixth Form Resource Area and Library for their use.

Admissions for Sixth Form are focused in the spring term following GCSE mocks, although we would encourage all prospective Sixth Formers and their parents to attend our Sixth Form Open Evening which this year takes place on Wednesday 14 October 2020 from 6.30pm to 9.00pm

This is an ideal opportunity for external candidates to get a feel for the breadth of Sixth Form life at Princethorpe and the admissions process. This year there will be virtual presentations on A-level and BTEC subject choices. Please click here to book a place.

Following the Sixth Form Open Evening external Year 11 candidates can attend a Sixth Form Taster Day, which are normally offered in December and January. These are informal opportunities for small groups of prospective Sixth Formers to visit the College for a selection of A-level subject taster lessons, a Q&A session with current Sixth Formers, lunch, a tour of school and a chance to meet the Head of Sixth Form. If you would be interested in joining us for one of these days, please email

Admission to the Sixth Form is based on satisfactory GCSE results, with the addition of an informal interview for external candidates. The minimum academic requirement for entry to Princethorpe Sixth Form is six GCSEs grades at levels 9-5, including at least three grade level 6s or equivalent. Candidates are normally expected to have at least a level 6 in the subjects to be studied to A-level, however for Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Latin and Chemistry and Physics a level 8 is recommended, although we will consider pupils who achieved a level 7 if they have their teacher’s support. A level 7 is required for Biology.

If you wish to begin Economics or Law in Sixth Form, you will be expected to have achieved at least a level 6 in both Mathematics and English Language. If you wish to study Computer Science at A-level, you must have taken it at GCSE. If you wish to study Psychology at A-level you will need a minimum of a level 5 in English and Mathematics, plus a level 6 is highly recommended in a Science subject (ideally Biology).

External candidates are required to complete a registration form along with provisional options for A-levels. The deadline for Sixth Form registrations and Sixth Form Scholarships is Monday 1 February 2021.

Following satisfactory references from the student’s current school, the Admission Panel will meet and, if appropriate, a conditional offer will be made subject to actual GCSE grades. Confirmation of acceptance from a parent with £300 deposit is then required to secure the place. This deposit is refunded after the end of the final term which the pupil spends at Princethorpe.

Sixth Form offers and Scholarship offers, along with confirmation of subject choices will be made the week commencing Monday 22 March 2021, with an acceptance deadline of Wednesday 21 April 2021.

A range of Sixth Form scholarships are available, from Academic to Art, Drama, Music (including Organ) and Sports Scholarships, click here to visit the relevant page on our website.

Once actual GCSE grades have been advised to the Registrar by telephone in August, a confirmed offer will be made.

Click here to download our Sixth Form Admissions 2021 Information Booklet and here for a Registration Form.