Welcome to our latest Princethorpe College Admissions e-newsletter.  Filled full of information and advice, it gives a feel for College life, tells you about forthcoming events which are open to prospective pupils and their families and has plenty of helpful guidance on the admissions process, particularly for those looking at entry in September 2023.

Don't forget that the deadline for registration for the Entrance Examinations this year is Friday 30 September 2022, with the examinations taking place on Saturday 5 November 2022.

We hope you find the newsletter helpful, if you have any feedback, comments or queries please email our admissions team at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.



2023 Admissions Cycle Commences

As the College looks forward to welcoming its new pupils to the school in September, the Admissions Team has now turned its attention to entry for 2023.

Entrance Examinations, for entry to the school in September 2023, will take place on Saturday 5 November 2022 and we are already busy accepting registrations.

There are plenty of opportunities for prospective pupils and their parents to visit the College before the Entrance Exams take place; including our Summer Open Evening in June and Open Morning in September, as well as the Year 5 Taster Days in April, May and June.

Comments Melanie Butler, Assistant Head, Marketing, Admissions and Communications, "Parents and pupils will have plenty of time to prepare and opportunities to visit the College in the run up to the registration deadline on Friday 30 September."

Following the Entrance Exams, offer letters will be sent out on Thursday 24 November 2022 and the acceptance deadlines will be Monday 12 December 2022 for Years 8, 9 and 10 and Thursday 2 March 2023 for Year 7. The acceptance deadline for Year 7 places is, by a nationally agreed code of practice, the same for all independent schools, allowing parents and children time to review all their options, including those from the maintained sector, before making a final decision.

If you have any questions about the admissions process please contact the Registrar, Vanessa Rooney, on 01926 634201 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

Want to get a feel for school life? Why not follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter


Green Light Given For Princethorpe’s New £8 Million Science Centre

In January, the Trustees of the Princethorpe Foundation gave the green light for work to commence on Princethorpe College’s new £8m Science Centre.

The Science Centre, which features 10 brand-new, state-of-the-art Science laboratories, will ultimately transform the College’s entire campus allowing other areas to be redeveloped and departments clustered within the main school building.

The project, the College’s largest and most ambitious to date, has undergone a comprehensive and lengthy design, planning, costing and tendering process over the last five years. The contract for the main build was awarded to Trendgrey Construction Limited, based in nearby Stockton. Headed up by MD Nick Henderson, who has been with the company for twenty-two years, Trendgrey is well-known to The Princethorpe Foundation having completed the Sixth Form Resource Centre at Princethorpe in 2014, The Gables at Crackley Hall in 2016 and the Horton Centre at Crescent School in 2021.

Work has already begun, with the contractor moving onto site over February Half Term. The official turf-cutting took place on Tuesday 1 March and the construction is estimated to take around 14 months with the building expected to open its doors for teaching in September 2023.

Comments Liz Griffin, Chair of Trustees, “The Trustees were delighted to give approval for work to commence on the Science Centre at Princethorpe. This really is a landmark decision in the strategic development of the College and is testament to the strong position the Foundation finds itself in today. Many congratulations to Trendgrey on being awarded the contract after a very competitive tendering process.”

She continues, “Our thanks go to all the donors who have contributed so generously to the fundraising for the project, our Science Campaign Board, the Science Working Group, our professional advisors, AT Architects, Ainsleys, Richard Strauss Associates and Couch, Perry and Wilkes, and of course the Senior Leadership Team for all their hard work.”

Headmaster, Ed Hester, adds, “It is fantastic that our vision for the future of Princethorpe will now become a reality. This announcement is great news for the Princethorpe community; the Science Centre project brings with it so many exciting campus-wide benefits and these cutting-edge teaching and learning facilities will inspire generations of Princethorpe pupils and staff for years to come.”

Comments, Trendgrey’s Managing Director, Nick Henderson, “It is a great privilege to have been awarded this prestigious contract by the Princethorpe Foundation. We are looking forward to working in partnership to deliver what promises to be an exceptional educational facility and state-of-the-art building.”

To view a fly through of the Science Centre please visit the school website here.

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2021 Tower Review Is Available Now

The latest edition of the College’s magazine, The Tower Review, has just been published.

It tells the story of the school year, term by term, reflecting on the whole host of activities, achievements and successes that pupils from Year 7 through to Upper Sixth took part in. It includes highlights such as Prize Giving and the College production as well as reviews of sporting events and House competitions.

2020/21 was an incredible year filled full of challenges, but there were still plenty of wonderful and memorable moments to reflect on. We hope that our annual souvenir review will be treasured by pupils and parents alike.

An electronic copy can be found on the school website.

If you would like to receive a hard copy please email marketing@princethorpe.co.uk with your name and address.

Cambridge Offers For High-Flying Princethorpe Sixth Formers

Two Princethorpe College Sixth Form students were thrilled to receive offers for places at Cambridge University.

Head Girl, Caitlin Mason, will be reading Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at Magdalene College, Cambridge while Sixth Form prefect and Fisher House Captain, Greg Burford, will read Music at Girton College, Cambridge.

Oxbridge places are always oversubscribed and increasingly competitive, and these talented students had faced a tough selection process consisting of pre-tests, intensive scrutiny of their academic and personal achievements and rigorous interviews.

Their success is not achieved without a great deal of hard work, as well as hours of dedicated support and encouragement from their teachers and parents who have provided individual guidance and support over the past year.

Princethorpe College Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie, commented, “Caitlin and Greg have earned this success. During their time at Princethorpe College they have not only applied themselves to their academic studies but also to developing themselves as confident and mature young people. Applying to Oxbridge is an extremely rigorous and character-testing experience that seems to get tougher every year. We were delighted to support them with their applications and are exceptionally proud of their achievement.”

We are very proud of them both and of all our Upper Sixth students applying to study at university next year, the majority of whom have now received offers through the UCAS system with many receiving offers from all five of their university choices.

Matilda The Musical Was Magical

The College production of Matilda Jr was a truly magical show. The Clarkson Theatre was filled full of the smell of rebellion as our talented cast of revolting children (many new to the College this year) told the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a vivid imagination and a sharp mind, dared to take a stand and change her own destiny.

The fearsome Agatha Trunchbull, played by Chloe, was delightfully diabolical while Mrs Wormwood, played by Lauren, was a real class act. Miss Honey, played by Megan, was touchingly sweet and Nigel, Lavender and the kids were all just spectacular, full of vibrant energy and enthusiasm. Matilda, played by Year 7 Amelia, was truly terrific. A super huge well done to them all.

We are all still humming along to those awesome songs. Congratulations to everyone involved, on stage and behind the scenes and especially to the Directors, Mr Cowlishaw and Ms Newborough. We just can't wait to find out what their plans are for next year!

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First XI Hockey Girls Have Had A Phenomenal Season

This year Princethorpe College’s First XI Girls Hockey team qualified for the semi-finals of England Hockey’s Schools Championships. 

The girls earned their well-deserved place in the final four, after a hard-fought match against Blundells School. The game finished 2-2 at full time so, with the scores level, the match went to penalty flicks. In a thrilling but nail-biting shoot-out the girls slammed home the penalties to come out 3-1 on top and take the win.

In the semis they faced a strong side from RGS Newcastle. Unfortunately, they did not come out on top, losing 4-2, in a close game where they had two goals disallowed and was competitive from end to end. To reach the last four in the country in this competition is a truly outstanding feat. It is a testament to the hard work, commitment and togetherness that this team has shown this season. 16 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses is a huge accomplishment. We could not have asked for any more from them and congratulate the girls on their phenomenal season. It was amazing for the girls to experience the knockout stages of a national competition.

Along the way the girls beat Solihull School 3-1, Bablake and King Henry VIII School 4-2, Rugby School 2-0 and Cheltenham College 2-0.

Four Sixth Form Students Awarded LAMDA Grade 8 Gold Medals

Princethorpe College congratulated Olivia Ward, Ciaran Smith, Ishbel Kempton and Elsie Kelley who were all awarded a distinction in their London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) Grade 8 Gold Medal examinations.

Gold is the highest medal awarded by LAMDA and takes years of training to achieve. The four Sixth Formers had sat their LAMDA Gold medal examinations back in November, in school, and just before Christmas they received news of their success. Achieving their LAMDA Gold Medal examinations means that all four students have now also accrued 30 UCAS points towards their university applications.

Olivia Ward took LAMDA Speaking in Public Grade 8, for which she had to write and present two speeches. She gave an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of electoral reform in her first speech, and for her second she gave an imagined ‘Best Woman’ speech for her brother’s wedding. She had to write an impromptu speech in the exam and deliver it with only fifteen minutes preparation time. The examiner praised Olivia’s ability to present stimulating and well considered work.

Ciaran Smith impressed the examiner by performing with ‘real confidence, control and a mature understanding of texts’ during his Reading for Performance Grade 8 exam. Ciaran created a recital on the theme of ‘Democracy’ using texts from The Hand that Signed the Paper by Dylan Thomas, Henry V by William Shakespeare and 1984 by George Orwell. He wrote introductions and linking statements to all his chosen texts and answered questions on the writers and contexts in depth.

Ishbel Kempton and Elsie Kelley have been taking acting exams together for several years and were delighted to complete their studies in their Grade 8 Acting Duologue exam. They performed scenes from Antigone by Sophocles, The Odd Couple (Female Version) by Neil Simon and The Thrill of Love by Amanda Whittington. The examiner noted a ‘clear energy’ and ‘strong presence’ in their performances, and they completed their exam with a discussion on their chosen theatre practitioner, Constantin Stanislavski.

Lead LAMDA Teacher, Kathy Buckingham-Underhill, commented, "I am delighted to see these four young people completing their LAMDA studies on such a high. Congratulations to them all. Their hard work, diligence, ownership and understanding of the tasks involved has been amply rewarded. Their LAMDA teachers are proud of them all."

A huge well done to all four students on a really impressive achievement.

Personal Bests For Five Princethorpians At England Indoor Athletics Championships

The College was proud to see five Princethorpe pupils competing in the England Athletics Age Group Indoor Championships in Sheffield on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 February. The event took place at the English Institute of Sport, with pupils representing their athletics clubs.

Their performances were all outstanding, and it was clear that these pupils have been training hard. Each and every one of them put in personal bests over the weekend, breaking school records, and we were really delighted for them all.

Year 8, Grace McCollin competed in the 60m sprint. In the heats she ran a personal best of 8.37 seconds. She then ran in the 60m Hurdles qualifying for the semi-finals where she achieved another personal best of 9.69 seconds.

Year 8, Penelope Jones also ran in the 60m Hurdles qualifying for the semi-finals where she ran a personal best of 9.65 seconds.

Year 9, André Onyekwe took 1st place and the gold medal in his age group for the High Jump. André simply soared through the air jumping 1.82m, a personal best and a new school record. André also competed in the Long Jump placing 5th with another superhuman leap of 5.43m.

Year 9, Olivia Monk ran in the 60m sprint where she finished in 6th place in 7.96 seconds a personal best and new school record. Olivia then took on the challenge of the 200m, finishing in 7th place in 26.49 seconds with another personal best and new school record.

Lower Sixth Former, Cam McGregor ran in the 400m finishing just out of the medals in 4th place in 48.84 seconds, also achieving a personal best and a new school record.

We are all looking forward to watching this next generation of young Olympians develop, it is going to be a really exciting summer of sport!

College Sixth Formers Win Local Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

Lower Sixth Formers Pratheesh Prabakaran, Toby Pearton and Annabel Koster were the winners of this year’s local Youth Speaks competition, the Rotary Club’s well-respected public speaking challenge. The Princethorpe College students saw off stiff competition from teams of pupils from other local schools in the district round held in Warwick on Wednesday 2 February.

Youth Speaks requires a team of three students to stand up and deliver a speech on a subject of their choice. It provides a great opportunity for young people to develop the ability to speak on a public platform, carry out research and formulate ideas, improve their self-confidence and presentation skills, and work together as a team.

Each competing team comprises of a Chairman, a Proposer and an Opposer. The Chairman introduces the debate and the Proposer and Opposer then speak for and against the motion. The structure of the event makes for an entertaining and diverting session where the students not only have to present clearly, but also spontaneously respond.

Competing in the Senior section, the team debated the motion ‘This house believes that issues of National Security should take precedence over all other legal considerations.’

Pratheesh Prabakaran, introduced the debate as Chairman, Toby Pearton spoke in favour of the motion and Annabel Koster against. The students were eloquent and convincing, and they handled challenging questions well. Their speech was very well received with the audience engaged throughout.

The team had worked hard to prepare thoroughly. They were helped and supported by Head of English, Chris Kerrigan who commented, “The chief adjudicator said the decision was unanimous and that it was rare for them all to agree. I knew they’d won immediately after their performance as it was so polished. It was a tightly fought competition and they put in an outstanding effort. These young people have been a joy to work with.”

The team thoroughly enjoyed the evening and learned a lot from listening to the other teams who took part. Congratulations to them all.

Issue 31 Of The Pinnacle Just Published

The latest issue of The Pinnacle has just been published, showcasing yet more of our pupils' excellent work. First published back in 2010, across the years the Pinnacle has celebrated our pupils at their best. This bumper edition includes success in....

A double-sized Minnacle is included too, with equally impressive work by Crackley Hall pupils from Nursery to Junior 6 and Crescent pupils from Reception to Year 6. It's wonderful to celebrate their talents too!

Click here to read The Pinnacle and click here if you would like to read The Minnacle.


Crescent School Open Evening

Tuesday 10 May - 5.00pm to 7.00pm

Crescent School will be hosting an Open Evening on Tuesday 10 May from 5.00pm to 7.00pm for prospective families and pupils.

Come and find out why Crescent School has just been judged 'excellent' in all areas by the ISI in their recently published report at our Open Evening on Tuesday 10 Mary 2022. This is a great opportunity for prospective families to get a feel for the school and to meet, Mr Thackway, the Headmaster. 

To register your interest please click here.

Please note

In terms of availability, Reception and Year 3 for 2022 entry are now full, with a waiting group available. We are also operating waiting groups in most other years apart from our current Reception and Year 1 classes (Year 1 and 2 for September 2022 entry). We are now taking registrations for Reception and Year 3 entry in 2023 and beyond. 

If you would like more information or details on specific year group availability, please email Helen Morley, Registrar, at admissions@crescentschool.co.uk or call 01788 523851.

Crackley Hall School And Little Crackers Nursery Open Evening

Thursday 19 May - 5.00pm to 7.30pm

Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery are holding an Open Evening Thursday 19 May from 5.00pm. 

The evening will consist of a welcome from our Headmaster, Rob Duigan, and a guided tour around the school. This is a great opportunity for prospective families to get a feel for the school and to meet staff and pupils. 

To book your place, please click here.

For more information on admission to Crackley Hall and Little Crackers please email Jenny Vaughan at admissions@crackleyhall.co.uk or call 01926 514410.

Princethorpe College Open Events And Taster Days

Open Evening - Wednesday 8 June - 6.30pm - 9.00pm

The College's annual Summer Open Evening will take place on Wednesday 8 June from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. This is an informal opportunity to look around the school and to meet members of staff and pupils. The Headmaster will also address visitors during the evening. Light refreshments will be available.

Please click here to book your place. 

Year 5 Taster Days

Wednesday 4 May, Tuesday 14 June, Thursday 16 June and Wednesday 22 June 2022.

Aimed at prospective Year 5 pupils, our Taster Days are a great way for your child to really experience Princethorpe during a normal school day.

Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Please click here to book your child's place at one of our Year 5 Taster Days.

For further information on admissions and entry to the College in 2023 visit our school website or speak to the Admissions Team on 01926 634201/262/297 or by email at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.



Summer Art, Photography and Design Show 2022

Thursday 23 June from 6.00pm to 8.30pm and Sunday 26 June from 2.00pm to 4.30pm

A celebration of our pupils GCSE and A-level Art, Photography and Design work will take place on Thursday 23 June from 6.00pm to 8.30pm and on Sunday 27 June from 2.00pm to 4.30pm.

The event, which is part of the Warwickshire Open Studios Summer Art Weeks 2022, includes a range of design technology projects, from resistant materials to textiles, alongside the stunning art and photography work which the College is renowned for.

Comments, Paul Hubball, Head of Art, "This is a great opportunity to share our pupils' fantastic creativity with a wider audience and to welcome more art and design lovers to Princethorpe."

Added Head of Design Technology, Paul Scopes, "We look forward to welcoming all the exam pupils and their families from across Design, Art and Photography to enjoy the fruit of their labours."

All are welcome. On Thursday evening admission is free, on the Sunday admission will be £2 per car including entry to the College's Summer Fete and Motoring Festival.

Princethorpe PTA Summer Fete And Annual Motoring Festival 2022

Sunday 26 June - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

The Princethorpe PTA Summer Fete 

The Summer Fete is held in the Orchard with lots of entertainment for both children and adults alongside traditional stalls, refreshments, activities and competitions.

Please keep an eye on the PTA section of the Princethorpe website for updates and for more details of what’s on offer. 

Annual Motoring Festival

The 25th Annual Motoring Festival is open to anyone keen to bring any sort of classic, vintage, veteran or interesting vehicle along for the afternoon. There will be rally plaques for all pre-booked vehicles and awards for self-judged competitions.

The Festival is preceded by an informal morning road run of about 30 miles through the Warwickshire countryside. Vehicles taking part in the run need to arrive at Princethorpe for 11.00am. There is no charge for classic vehicles entering the festival or taking part in the road run.

Barbecued food is available for a nominal charge on return to Princethorpe at lunchtime, or feel free to bring a picnic.

Online registration for the 2022 event is now open, click here for more information.


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Princethorpe College Entrance Examinations

Entrance Examinations for Year 7 to 10 entry to Princethorpe College in September 2022 will take place on Saturday 5 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

For more information on Entrance Examinations click here.

Those wishing to register for Entrance Examinations should do so by Friday 30 September 2022 to facilitate the gathering of confidential references from primary schools.

Registrations forms are available in our prospectus packs or you can download a registration form here.


New Pupils Induction Day And Information Fair

Wednesday 29 June 2022 - 9.00am to 4.45pm

(Presentation to Parents and Information Fair from 3.30pm to 4.30pm)

The Induction Day for new pupils starting at the College in September 2022 will take place on Wednesday 29 June 2022. The day will consist of two separate events. The new pupils should arrive at school in their current school uniform for 9.00am, but no earlier than 8.45am and can be dropped off by the Sports Hall where they will be met by the Registrars.

They will spend the day getting to know Mrs Susan Harris, Head of Transition and Induction, their Head of House, meet their new Vertical Tutor Group and their teaching group. Refreshments at break and lunch will be provided.

Parents should return to the Sports Hall at 3.15pm for a prompt start at 3.30pm for their own talks and an Information Fair. Parking will be in the Orchard. There will be an introductory address by the Headmaster and senior staff and after which parents will have the opportunity to visit the Information Fair.

The Fair comprises the following;

Bus services

Music lessons 

Medical matters 


Parent Teacher Association 

Uniform - book your appointment for the shop

Following the Fair you will be rejoined by your son or daughter for refreshments outside when there will be a further opportunity to chat with Mrs Harris, the Heads of House and other members of staff.  The day will finish around 4.45pm

Year 7 Activity Day - Friday 2 September - 9.30am to 4.00pm

The incoming Year 7 children will get a further opportunity to get to know the College and each other a little better on their Activity Day on Friday 2 September, just before term begins on Monday 5 September.



Princethorpe College Admissions 2023 And Entrance Examinations Day

Children who want to come to Princethorpe College, the Foundation's senior school, sit an entrance examination, mainly at 11, and at other ages as space allows. A significant number also join us for Sixth Form at age 16.

We welcome children of all faiths and backgrounds, from our Foundation prep schools, Crackley Hall and Crescent School, and many other maintained and independent primary schools from around a radius of about thirty miles.

Competition for places is high, as are standards, but the school also looks for young people who will contribute to the wider life of the school.

Our Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney and her assistants, Miss Helen Morgan and Mrs Catherine Rogers, will be pleased to talk you through the admissions process; contact them at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk or call 01926 634201/262/297.

Click here to download our 2023 Admissions and Entrance Examinations Booklet (Years 7 to 10)

Click here to download the Princethorpe College Information Booklet for 2021-22.

Entrance Examinations Day

Entrance Examinations for all age groups (except Sixth Form) will take place on Saturday 5 November 2022 from 9.30am to 3.30pm.

All candidates must be registered before sitting the entrance examinations. Registrations, bursary and scholarship applications must be received by the deadline of Friday 30 September 2022 to allow us to process the registration and contact schools for references.

Click here to download a Registration Form, All-Rounder Scholarship FormArt Scholarship Application Form and a Music Scholarship Application Form.

Following receipt of the registration form any candidate with a learning need will have an evaluation with a Special Educational Needs professional.

On The Day

Candidates are requested to report to the college for 9.30am and entry to the building will be from no earlier than 9.00am. Candidates should wear comfortable casual clothes and should bring a pen, two pencils, eraser and ruler. Candidates for Years 9 and 10 (13+ and 14+) should bring a calculator and protractor and the relevant language dictionary.

Candidates sit papers in English and Maths and for those looking at Year 9 and 10 a language paper.  The papers vary in length from 45 minutes to 1 hour. All candidates also sit a 50 minute online assessment which includes Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Numerical Reasoning, appropriate to their age and year of entry. More information is available under the relevant age group information.

The online assessment is provided by Durham University’s Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM). The test is designed to enable all children to demonstrate their academic potential without the need for excessive preparation.

For more information on the online assessment please visit the CEM website at:


(If you experience difficulties opening this link please try Internet Explorer.)

There are no practice papers available for the online assessment. CEM advises parents that children can best prepare for their online assessment by learning to work quietly on their own, completing homework set by their school, and by reading and making sure they understand all the words in any books they read. Children should also, wherever possible, be encouraged to try to solve problems by looking things up for themselves. Children should be familiar with using a keyboard and a mouse including the ability to click, drag and slide with a mouse.

A copy of a past English paper is included in the prospectus pack. We do not provide Mathematics practice papers.

A range of resources are also available online from www.bond11plus.co.uk.

The following practice papers may prove helpful:

Bond How to do 11+ Verbal Reasoning published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742292)

Bond How to do 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742285)

Bond How to do 11+ Maths published by Nelson Thornes (ISBN 9 780192 742278)

They can be ordered from Waterstones, 1 Priorsgate, Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 4QG, Tel 01926 883804.

For more information visit the Entrance Examinations Day section on our website.

Please contact the Registrars if you have any queries or concerns.

After the Entrance Examinations are marked, the Admissions Panel sits to discuss applications. The Panel will take into consideration the Entrance Examinations results, confidential references from feeder schools and, for those with learning support needs, the evaluation by the Special Educational Needs professional, prior to the Entrance Examinations.

Those entering Years 8, 9 and 10 will also have their personal interviews considered.

Offers Made

Exam results will be posted, first class, on Thursday 24 November 2022. No information will be available beforehand.

For those offered a place confirmation of acceptance with £300 deposit is then required to secure the place by Monday 12 December 2022 (for those entering Years 8, 9 and 10) and Thursday 2 March 2023 for Year 7. This deposit is refunded after the end of the final term which the pupil spends at Princethorpe.

Once you have confirmed your acceptance of a place and sent your £300 deposit you will receive an acknowledgement and a receipt.  Joining details will then be sent to you during the Easter holidays. These include details of Term Dates, Induction, the School Day, Medical Questionnaire, Uniform, Buses, Catering, Locker Keys, Stationery, Parents’ Evenings and the Parent Teacher Association.

Sixth Form Admissions

Sixth Form Admissions 2022

We have had a high level of interest in Sixth Form Admissions for September 2022 entry, if you are interested in a place please call the Admissions Team to discuss potential availability.

Admission to the Sixth Form is based on satisfactory GCSE results, with the addition of an informal interview for external candidates.

The minimum academic requirement for entry to Princethorpe Sixth Form is six GCSEs grades at levels 9-5, including at least three grade level 6s or equivalent. Candidates are normally expected to have at least a level 6 in the subjects to be studied to A-level, however for Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Latin and Chemistry and Physics a level 8 is recommended, although we will consider pupils who achieved a level 7 if they have their teacher’s support. A level 7 is required for Biology.

If you wish to begin Economics or Law in Sixth Form, you will be expected to have achieved at least a level 6 in both Mathematics and English Language. If you wish to study Computer Science at A-level, you must have taken it at GCSE. If you wish to study Psychology at A-level you will need a minimum of a level 5 in English and Mathematics, plus a level 6 is highly recommended in a Science subject (ideally Biology).

Click here to download our Sixth Form Admissions 2022 Information Booklet.

External candidates should get in touch with the Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney to arrange an informal interview, with the Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie or one of his assistants, after which a formal registration along with provisional options for A-level should be made.

Following a satisfactory confidential reference from the student’s current school, the Admission Panel will meet and, if appropriate, a conditional offer will be made subject to actual GCSE grades.

Confirmation of acceptance from a parent with a £300 deposit is then required to secure the place. This deposit is refunded after the end of the final term which the student spends at Princethorpe.

Once actual GCSE grades have been advised to the Registrar by telephone in August, a confirmed offer will be made.

Sixth Form Induction Day will take place on Friday 2 September 2022 from 8.45am to 3.30pm.

Sixth Form Admissions 2023

The Sixth Form at Princethorpe offers great choice, quality teaching in small classes, a vast array of sporting, co-curricular, leadership and service opportunities coupled with excellent pastoral care and guidance, tailored to the needs of today's young adults.

Sixth Formers at Princethorpe are fortunate to have a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, featuring a Dining Room, Coffee Bar, Lecture Theatre, Common Room and a Sixth Form Resource Area and Library for their use.

The Sixth Form admissions process for 2023 will follow the same timings as in previous years. Admissions for Sixth Form are focused in the spring term following GCSE mocks, though we would encourage all prospective Sixth Formers and their parents to visit our Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 12 October 2022 from 6.30pm to 9.00pm

This is an ideal opportunity to get a feel for the breadth of Sixth Form life at Princethorpe and to meet and talk with members of staff and current Sixth Formers about A-level and BTEC subject choices.

Following the Sixth Form Open Evening external Year 11 candidates can attend a Sixth Form Taster Day, which are normally offered in December and January. These are informal opportunities for small groups of prospective Sixth Formers to visit the College for a selection of A-level/BTEC subject taster lessons, a Q&A session with current Sixth Formers, lunch, a tour of school and a chance to meet the Head of Sixth Form. If you would be interested in joining us for one of these days, please email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.

Admission to the Sixth Form is based on satisfactory GCSE results, with the addition of an informal interview for external candidates. The minimum academic requirement for entry to Princethorpe Sixth Form is six GCSEs grades at levels 9-5, including at least three grade level 6s or equivalent. Candidates are normally expected to have at least a level 6 in the subjects to be studied to A-level, however for Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Latin and Chemistry and Physics a level 8 is recommended, although we will consider pupils who achieved a level 7 if they have their teacher’s support. A level 7 is required for Biology.

If you wish to begin Economics or Law in Sixth Form, you will be expected to have achieved at least a level 6 in both Mathematics and English Language. If you wish to study Computer Science at A-level, you must have taken it at GCSE. If you wish to study Psychology at A-level you will need a minimum of a level 5 in English and Mathematics, plus a level 6 is highly recommended in a Science subject (ideally Biology).

External candidates are required to complete a registration form along with provisional options for A-levels/BTECs. The deadline for Sixth Form registrations and Sixth Form Scholarships is Monday 23 January 2023.

Following satisfactory references from the student’s current school, the Admission Panel will meet and, if appropriate, a conditional offer will be made subject to actual GCSE grades. Confirmation of acceptance from a parent with £300 deposit is then required to secure the place. This deposit is refunded after the end of the final term which the pupil spends at Princethorpe.

Sixth Form offers and Scholarship offers, along with confirmation of subject choices will be made the week commencing Monday 20 March 2023, with an acceptance deadline of Wednesday 19 April 2023.

A range of Sixth Form scholarships are available, from Academic to Art, Drama, Music (including Organ) and Sports Scholarships, click here to visit the relevant page on our website.

Once actual GCSE grades have been advised to the Registrar by telephone in August, a confirmed offer will be made.

Click here to download our current Sixth Form Admissions 2022 Information Booklet and here for a Registration Form. The Sixth Form Admissions 2023 Information Booklet will be published in September.


Princethorpe College Scholarships and Bursaries

Every year there is a high level of interest in both Scholarships and Bursaries and the number of awards are limited.

There is a variety of Scholarships available for particularly able or talented candidates ranging from Academic, Art and Music to All-Rounder. Additionally for the Sixth Form there are Academic, Art, Drama, Music (including Organ) and Sport Scholarships available, see the Sixth Form Scholarships article.

Scholarships to a maximum reduction of 50% of tuition fees are available, however the majority are between 5% and 20% and are awarded at point of entry.

Click here to download our Registration Form, All-Rounder Scholarship FormArt Scholarship Form  and Music Scholarship Form.

Academic Scholarships

Candidates applying for entry to Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be automatically considered for an academic scholarship when taking the Entrance Examination.

During their time at Princethorpe academic scholars are invited to attend guest lectures and will be offered a variety of opportunities for stretch and challenge, such as undertaking a Project Qualification.

All Rounder Scholarships 

Children who are both academically able and gifted in a variety of areas are invited to apply for an All-Rounder Scholarship

Please complete the All-Rounder Scholarship form and provide supporting evidence to show the areas of talent or expertise and standards achieved. This should include, for example, references from team coaches or activity leaders, certificates and awards. This information should be presented in a portfolio format with a completed All-Rounder application form and a covering letter from the child to the Headmaster.

Applications for the All-Rounder Scholarship and supporting portfolio should be submitted to the Registrars by Friday 30 September 2022. Please note that portfolios are returned after results letters have been sent out at the end of November. If no portfolio is submitted to support the All-Rounder Scholarship application by the deadline date, the candidate will be withdrawn from the Scholarship application process.

More information on Art Scholarships and Music Scholarships is available on the College website here.

Scholarship Interviews

Prospective Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 pupils who are being considered for either an Academic or All Rounder Scholarship will be invited to an interview with the Headmaster, Deputy Head - Academic or the Assistant Head - Co-Curricular following the entrance examinations. The parents/guardians of these candidates will be contacted by telephone from Wednesday 9 November 2022. Only those being considered for these awards will be contacted.

The interviews will take place on Saturday 12 November 2022 and during week commencing Monday 14 November 2022.


Bursaries are available up to 100% of tuition fees and additional educational expenses. Bursary and Thomas More Scholarship applications are made via an online system and supporting evidence will be required.

Applications for bursaries are means-tested and reviewed by external consultants. The deadline for bursary applications is Friday 30 September 2022. Those applications which do not meet the necessary criteria will be notified before the Entrance Examinations.

Click here for more information on Bursaries and the means-tested Thomas More Scholarship aimed at Catholic children who attend a Catholic state primary school.

Sixth Form Scholarships

Sixth Form Academic Scholarships 

External Candidates

Sixth Form Academic Scholarships are available to external candidates who are expected to achieve 7, 8 or 9 grades at GCSE. 

Those who wish to be considered should make an application by the deadline date of Monday 23 January 2023 and if appropriate will be invited to attend the Sixth Form Acadamic Scholarship Day on Tuesday 28 February 2022. The Academic Scholarship Day will comprise a verbal reasoning examination, an interview with the Headmaster and Head of Sixth Form, taster lessons in two A-level option subjects, lunch and a tour of school.

Internal Candidates

Internal candidates are also able to apply for Sixth Form - Academic Scholarship as well as Art,  Drama, Music, Organ and Sport Scholarships.

To do so they must complete a Sixth Form Scholarship Application Form and write a ‘personal statement’ outlining their achievements to date and why they feel they would make an excellent candidate for the scholarship (maximum 500 words).

Those pupils who currently have a scholarship, will normally retain their award for Sixth Form, but must also complete a Sixth Form Scholarship Application Form to re-apply for the scholarship.

The deadline for this application is Monday 23 January 2023. Applications should be marked for the attention of the Registrar.

Prospective award holders may be interviewed in February and March. Details of any awards will be confirmed when the Sixth Form offer letters are sent out in writing during week commencing Monday 20 March 2023. Some awards may be dependent on final GCSE grades.

Sixth Form Sport Scholarships

Sport Scholarships may be awarded to internal or external candidates entering the Sixth Form.  The candidates should submit a portfolio and detailed account of their reasons for the application supported by references from their coach/activity leaders.

The final document should be forwarded to our Registrar by Monday 23 January 2023. Following a review of the portfolios, as appropriate, candidates will be invited to the Sports Scholarship Assessment Day on Friday 3 March 2023.

Sixth Form Art Scholarships

A Sixth Form Art Scholarship is available to internal or external candidates entering the Sixth Form. The deadline to apply is Monday 23 January 2023 and the Art Scholarship Assessment Day will take place on Wednesday 1 March 2023.

Successful candidates will be expected to pursue the A-level Art Course.


  • Candidates should have achieved high standards in their GCSE courses (predicted 7, 8 or 9).
  • Portfolio work would also be expected to contain evidence of creative endeavours outside the confines of school GCSE coursework and be supported by a reference from their Head of Art.
  • The candidates will be expected to have excellent observational drawing skills and be able to draw from a still life during the interview day.
  • A CD with up to 20 images of artwork, in JPEG format, must be included with the application and sent to Princethorpe College by the application deadline.
  • Candidates will also be expected to bring a portfolio showing work from their previous two years. 3D work should not be brought, photographic evidence of 3D work being sufficient, or as images on the CD.

Art Scholarship Assessment Day:

  • Candidates will undertake some drawing and design exercises in the art studios and will also be interviewed by the Head of Art with their portfolios of artwork (portfolios should include recent GCSE coursework and evidence of work created outside school).

Internal Candidates for Art Scholarships

Internal candidates are not required to submit a portfolio, however they will be required to attend the Art Scholarship Assessment Day. They will be considered by the Headmaster based on their performance in the GCSE examinations and feedback from the Head of Art.

Sixth Form Music Scholarships

A Sixth Form Music Scholarship is available to external candidates entering the Sixth Form. The deadline for applications is Monday 23 January 2023 and Scholarship Auditions will take place the week commencing Monday 27 February 2023. Successful candidates will be expected to pursue the A-level Music course.


  • A standard of Grade 7 ABRSM or equivalent in any instrument.
  • A second instrument, which will probably be at a lower standard than the first. In certain cases it may be possible to begin a second instrument on entry.

The Audition

All candidates must attend a practical examination. At the audition they will be required to:

  • Perform 2 pieces on the instrument of their first choice.
  • Perform 1 piece on the instrument of their second choice.
  • Sing a song of their own choice.
  • Play the panel’s selection of scales and arpeggios from the ABRSM grade that best reflects their current standard and undertake an aural test of the same standard.
  • Participate in a viva voce, where they will be asked about their music-making, hobbies, etc.

Piano accompaniments should be brought to the audition. An accompanist will be provided unless a candidate prefers to be accompanied by an external accompanist they elect to bring with them. Candidates are advised to perform music with which they are comfortable with, rather than playing music which is technically beyond them.

Names and addresses of two referees must be supplied, one of which should be the school music teacher or conductor of a choir or orchestra in which the candidate regularly performs.

Sixth Form Organ Scholarship

A Sixth Form Organ Scholarship of up to 50% of tuition fees is available to candidates who have a high level of ability and are committed and enthusiastic performers; the successful candidate will be expected to play in the College Chapel on Sunday at 10.15am Mass during term time and other functions. Applications, addressed to the Registrar should be received by the deadline of Monday 23 January 2023 and Scholarship Auditions will take place the week commencing Monday 27 February 2023.

Candidates will be required to perform a short piece and be interviewed by the Director of Music and Headmaster as part of the selection process.

Internal Candidates for Music and Organ Scholarships

Internal candidates do not have to apply for Sixth Form Music and Organ Scholarships. They will be considered by the Headmaster based on their performance in the GCSE examinations and feedback from the Director of Music.

Sixth Form Drama Scholarships

A Sixth Form Drama Scholarship is available to internal and external candidates entering the Sixth Form. Successful candidates will be expected to pursue the A-level Theatre Studies course. The deadline for applications is Monday 23 January 2023 and Scholarship Auditions will take place on Monday 27 February 2023.


  • Candidates should have achieved high standards in their GCSE drama course (predicted 7-9).
  • A proven track record of dedication to school co-curricular drama productions and a commitment for this to continue in the Sixth Form.
  • Candidates to have demonstrated leadership qualities in drama related activities, such as directing or mentoring.

The Audition

All candidates must attend an audition. At the audition they will be required to:

  • Perform two 2 minute contrasting monologues, one contemporary and one from pre 1950.
  • Submit a theatre review of a recent production seen by the candidate.
  • Present other supporting evidence for their application.
  • Participate in a viva voce on a play they have studied and a company/theatre practitioner/theatrical style that has particularly inspired them.

Names and addresses of two referees must be supplied, one of which should be the school drama teacher or the leader of a drama company in which the candidate regularly performs.

Sixth Form and Scholarship offers

Sixth Form offers and Scholarship offers, along with confirmation of option subject choices, will be made the week commencing Monday 20 March 2023.

The deadline for acceptances of Sixth Form places and Scholarship offers is Wednesday 19 April 2023.



Registrar, Mrs Vanessa Rooney, Assistant Registrar, Miss Helen Morgan, and Admissions Administrator, Mrs Catherine Rogers, deal with many enquiries from prospective parents, here they share answers to the most frequently asked questions about the admissions process.

If you have a query that isn't covered here, please feel free to contact Vanessa, Helen or Catherine on 01926 634201/262/297.

How are places offered?

Places are considered based on the results from the entrance examinations, the reference which the College requests from the candidate's current school and any other information which is contained on the registration form. The Admissions Panel looks at each individual at length before a decision is made regarding the offer of a place. The decision making process runs over three days.

How many places are offered each year?

The cohort each year is different in number and ability so it depends upon the examination results and the references from the current school.  We usually offer slightly more places than we have space for because we recognise that some children may take entrance examinations for more than one school and some live in areas which still use the 11+ examination.

What is assessed during the entrance examinations?

Pupils for entry into Year 7 will take papers in mathematics and English (1 hour each) and a 50 minute online assessment (CEM test) which will cover verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. There will also be a 45 minute free writing paper which will ask the children to write something about themselves.

How can I prepare my child for the exams?

There is no one way to best prepare your child, but we recommend they read widely, look up words they do not understand, use their imagination in their writing, practice their number skills (including times tables) and play word and number games.

As a general rule on the paper tests, advise your son/daughter to answer the easy questions first on the paper and then go back and work on the trickier ones. Practice at timing themselves while they are working is important too, as they often run out of time. None of the questions on any of the papers need to be answered in order. If the child thinks a question is difficult they should leave it and go onto the next one and then go back and try again if there is enough time. Please encourage your child to just try their best and to show any working out, as some marks might be awarded even if the answer is incorrect.

A copy of a past English paper is included in the prospectus pack and is available to download from our website here. We do not provide Mathematics practice papers.  

There is a sample CEM test available here. Note – for the best experience please use Microsoft Edge or Chrome on a computer or laptop, rather than a tablet or mobile phone. The software works better on these platforms and also the children need to be confident to use a mouse to navigate and select their answers.

How many scholarships are offered each year?

The number of scholarships offered each year depends on the funds allocated by the trustees.  Academic scholarships awarded vary between 5% and 50%. Art and Music can be from 5% to 25%. All-Rounder scholarships are generally from 5% to 25%. All awards are at the discretion of the Headmaster.

What does an All-Rounder Scholarship mean?

The All-Rounder scholarship is for a child with a strong academic ability who also achieves highly in their activities outside of school. This could be sport, music, drama, art, cubs, brownies etc. If you wish to apply for this scholarship please complete the all-rounder scholarship application form, available here. We will also require a portfolio of evidence of your child’s extra-curricular activities and achievements in order for them to be considered. All families present these to us in different ways but, essentially, we usually receive letters, references from their activity leaders or coaches and any supporting certificates, letters, photographs or other documentation your child feels demonstrates their ability as an excellent 'all-rounder'. Any original documents will be returned to you after offers have been made. For further information, please see our Scholarships and Bursaries page on the Princethorpe College website.  The Admissions Panel frequently sees applications for All-Rounder scholarships which have minimal supporting paperwork. Please make sure that we have sufficient evidence to consider. Potential all-rounder scholars may be invited to an interview with the Head of Co-Curricular in the few days following the entrance examinations.

Do you take children with a Special Educational Need or Disability?

If your child has a special educational need or disability (SEND), which includes social, emotional and/or mental health needs, please indicate this on the registration form. He/she will then be invited in for an evaluation with a member of our Learning Support department before the entrance examination takes place. The findings from this evaluation then go forward to the Admissions Panel together with the entrance exam results, current school reference and, where appropriate, an up to date specialist report from, for example, an Educational Psychologist or Occupational Therapist.

Are children with a SEND entitled to access arrangements in the exam?

Children with a special educational need or disability may be considered for access arrangements in the entrance examinations. Any access arrangements will usually be based on the child's normal way of working in their current educational environment, for which evidence will be required.  We would ask that any Educational Psychologist reports or other supporting information, are forwarded to the Registrars at the earliest opportunity. 

All children with a SEND should see a member of our Learning Support department, prior to the entrance exams taking place, who will be happy to discuss their needs.  Please ensure that you register in good time, to enable us to arrange this meeting.

How are the children put in the new form groups?

At Princethorpe new pupils to the school will join an existing house tutor group comprising pupils from Years 7 to 11. They will stay with this 'family' and form tutor up until Year 11. The Sixth Form have form tutor groups which consist of both Lower and Upper Sixth students.

The Y7 to Y11 house tutor groups have approximately the same number of children from every year group, a mix of girls and boys and ability. 

What sizes are the classes at Princethorpe?

The maximum class size is 24 but this year's Year 7 classes are at around 20 pupils. Design and Technology groups tend to be smaller, normally around 14. Maths and English sets vary according to need – pupils in lower sets will be in slightly smaller groups – usually around 16 or 17.  Students in top sets work very well in slightly larger groups, up to 23/24. 

How are the children allocated to a House?

Houses are allocated by the Deputy Head - Pastoral. Where there is an existing connection with the school pupils usually go into the same house as a sibling or the same house if the parent is an Old Princethorpian. Otherwise the houses are allocated to ensure that the boys and girls are evenly distributed across all four houses.

Will my child get lost when they come to Princethorpe?

Princethorpe has an excellent induction programme. We have an Induction Day in June for all new pupils when they spend a day in class and get to meet their Head of House and other members of the Princethorpe community. We also have a Year 7 Activity Day which takes place at the end of the summer holidays. This is a fun day with all the new Year 7 children taking part in games, treasure hunts and activities in and out of the classroom. This is another opportunity to find their way around and meet more staff and children in their House just before they begin school, in September.

How do we find out what is happening at school?

The College has a bi-weekly electronic newsletter, The Flagpole, that includes news articles, events, important information and advice.  We start sending it to new parents towards the end of the summer term and it is the best place to find out what is happening in school. You will also find a wealth of information on our Parent Portal.

Do you offer before and after school care?

The school is open from 7.30am each day with breakfast available in the Sixth Form Centre for early birds. Period 1 and registration is at 8.40am. School finishes at 3.45pm with buses departing at 3.55pm. Princethorpe Prep is available for pupils until 6.00pm. 

What extra charges, apart from the school fees are there likely to be?

When your child first joins Princethorpe there will be the cost of the school uniform and the annual pack of exercise books. All text books are loaned to the child and there is no charge unless one is lost or badly damaged. There are school trips, usually for each year group and these are always connected to the curriculum. Children will need to buy food from the Refectory or bring a packed lunch. We use a fingerprint system so money does not need to be brought into school. Princethorpe takes great care to ensure that costs are kept to a minimum and are always good value.

Current Princethorpe College Bus Service

A comprehensive private bus service brings pupils into the College from a wide area, extending as far afield as Nuneaton and Coventry to the north, Lutterworth and Daventry to the east, Stratford-upon-Avon and Banbury to the south and Solihull to the west.

The two coach operators are Catterall's of Southam and Ridley's of Leamington Spa.

Buses arrive in school for 8.30am in time for the start of the school day.

All buses leave at 3.55pm at the end of the school day. Arrangements need to be made for the collection of those children staying on for extra-curricular activities until 5.15pm or Princethorpe Prep until 6.00pm.

The current bus routes and timetables are available on our dedicated bus service website here. Use the map and postcode search to choose your service and then click on the bus number at the top of the screen for details of the timetable and stops. 

We are in the process of reviewing our bus services and will be publishing a new timetable in June 2022.

For a copy of our current Bus Briefing, please click here.




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Uniform and Sixth Form Dress Code

Uniform is compulsory for College pupils and helps to create a sense of shared identity, community spirit and a pride in oneself and in the College.

Uniform can be purchased from the School Shop.

Normally the School Shop is open from 3.30pm to 4.30pm Mondays and Wednesdays during term time. Additionally during the summer holidays the shop is open on selected dates on an appointment only basis.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Although College uniform is not required we expect Sixth Formers to set an example by smartness of dress and appearance. Smart clothes suitable for a work environment, including a jacket are compulsory.

High standards of personal appearance and presentation are expected of pupils at all times.


Foundation Term Dates 2022-23

For those who like to plan ahead the Foundation Term Dates are:


Michaelmas Term 2022 
Monday 5 September to Friday 16 December 
Half Term

Saturday 15 October to Sunday 30 October  
Lent Term 2023  
Wednesday 4 January to Friday 24 March  
Half Term

Saturday 18 February to Sunday 26 February 

Trinity Term 2023 
Monday 17 April to Wednesday 5 July
Half Term

Saturday 27 May to Sunday 4 June 2022